Thursday, September 18, 2008

In which things get "all jacked up"

I'm quoting my table-mate, K #1 (there are actually 3 K's at my table). We had a bear of a day today and got, as they say in the restaurant industry, "in the weeds." The day started off with a mandatory meeting with the college president... she's had them all week long, and today was the morning culinary labs' turn. So, we didn't get back to class until 8:15, and right away Chef A wanted bread for his class for service at 11:00. Yesterday one of the tables made up all of the sponge (pre-fermented dough) for walnut-currant and sourdough rye breads, but then there was confusion today over who was supposed to actually use the walnut-currant sponge. There wasn't enough for my table when we went to scale it out, so we have to carry that over until Monday. There was confusion over the mixing up of the sponges for Monday. There was sourdough rye, ciabatta, and coffee cake to make. We ran out of streussel for the coffee cakes. Then, Chef L added 2 loaves of banana bread to every table's rotation. Yeah. Right. Helpful, that. K #1 was one of the sous-chefs for the day, and it was Thursday, which means that it was my table's day to work the dish pit. There was math for the doubling of the banana bread formula and halving of the formula for the coffee cake. Thankfully, table 5 came over and helped out a little bit. In the end, everything got done. Except for that dang walnut-currant bread, which we'll try again on Monday. Keeping my fingers crossed that we'll be able to remove that from our rotation after Monday.

My table did get some kind words from Chef L after class; he said that he saw some strong skills emerging at our table. That made me feel better. It was just a long day today. I'm glad it's the "weekend" for me. Going out with friends tonight, and to a Rockies game on Sunday. Lots of homework this weekend, too.

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